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Polyester Silicone / Flash Tape

It has good adhesion to low surface energy substrates and removes with no adhesive residues, even at high temperatures. It has high strength with no-curves masking properties and has good chemical resistance. The adhesive system used on these products provides good adhesion to both high and low surface energy substrates. The excellent initial tack ensures that a bond of good integrity is achieved soon after application.

Technical Specification

Item Specification:  Flash tape (Polyester Adhesive tape)
Material: Polyester
Adhesive: Silicon
Color: Translucent Blue
Total Thickness: 70 microns ± 10%
Adhesive Thickness: 40 microns ± 10 %
Elongation at Break: 100%
Temperature Performance: 200°C

Polyester Silicone Flash Tape
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